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(b) Possible circumstances where the Agency may release the Contractor's CBI include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) To other Agency contractors and subcontractors, and their employees tasked with assisting the Agency in handling and processing information and documents in the evaluation, the award or the administration of Agency contracts, such as providing both preaward and post award audit support and specialized technical support to NASA's technical evaluation panels; (2) To NASA contractors and subcontractors, and their employees engaged in information systems analysis, development, operation, and maintenance, including performing data processing and management functions for the Agency. (c) Except where otherwise provided by law, NASA will permit the limited release of CBI under subparagraphs (1) or (2) only pursuant to non-disclosure agreements signed by the assisting contractor or subcontractor, and their individual employees who may require access to the CBI to perform the assisting contract). (d) NASA's responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act are not affected by this clause. (e) The Contractor agrees to include this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts at all levels awarded pursuant to this contract that require the furnishing of confidential business information by the subcontractor. FLOWDOWN OF PROVISIONS FROM THE JWST MISSIONS MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA) AND THE CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY (CSA) AND CROSS WAIVER OF LIABILITY (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts.) Under the terms of the NASA/ESA and NASA/CSA MOUs for JWST, certain provisions, agreements and obligations are required to be flowed down to NASA contractors involved with the JWST Mission. This clause establishes the required flow down from the Government to the Contractor. Not all of the terms and provisions of these MOUs apply to performance under this contract, so only selected MOU provisions and requirements are identified herein and flowed down to the Contractor. In addition to identifying the applicable MOU provisions, this clause also describes, where indicated, the contractual application and flowed-down requirements of the MOU provisions for performance under this contract. In the text below, and for purposes of this clause, references to Party are defined as NASA, references to Parties are defined as NASA, ESA, and CSA, and references to Related Entity and Related Entities applies to the Contractor and its subcontractors or sponsored entities at any tier. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this MOU: (a) The term Related Entity means: (i) a contractor, subcontractor, or sponsored entity of a Party at any tier; (ii) a user or customer of a Party at any tier; (iii) a contractor or subcontractor of a user or customer or sponsored entity of a Party at any tier; or (iv) a scientific investigator. The terms contractor and subcontractor include suppliers of any kind. For the purpose of the Liability section of this clause, the term Related Entity may also include another State or an agency or institution of another State, where such State, agency, or institution is an entity as described in (i) through (iv) above or is otherwise involved in the activities undertaken pursuant to this MOU. (b) The term damage means: (i) bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person; (ii) damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property; (iii) loss of revenue or profits; or (iv) other direct, indirect, or consequential damage. (c) The term launch vehicle means an object or any part thereof intended for launch, launched from Earth, or returning to Earth which carries payloads or persons, or both. (d) The term payload means all property to be flown or used on or in a launch vehicle. (e) The term Protected Space Operations means all activities pursuant to this MOU, including launch vehicle activities and payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space. Protected Space Operations begin at the entry into force of this MOU and end when all activities done in implementation of this MOU are completed. The term includes, but is not limited to: (i) research, design, development, test, manufacture, assembly, integration, operation, or use of launch or transfer vehicles, payloads, or instruments, as well as related support equipment and facilities and services; (ii) all activities related to ground support, test, training, simulation, or guidance and control equipment and related facilities or services. The term Protected Space Operations excludes activities on Earth that are conducted on return from space to develop further a payloads product or process for use other than for the JWST mission. TRANSFER OF GOODS AND TECHNICAL DATA The Parties are obligated to transfer only those goods and technical data (including software) necessary to fulfill their respective responsibilities under this MOU, in accordance with the following provisions, notwithstanding any other provision of this MOU: All activities of the Parties shall be carried out in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to export control and the control of classified information. The transfer of goods and technical data for the purpose of discharging the Parties responsibilities with regard to interface, integration, and safety shall normally be made without restriction, except as provided in paragraph 1 above. All transfers of export-controlled goods and proprietary or export-controlled technical data are subject to the following provisions. In the event a Party or its Related Entity finds it necessary to transfer export-controlled goods or to transfer proprietary or export-controlled technical data, for which protection is to be maintained, such goods shall be specifically identified and such technical data shall be marked with a notice. The identification for such goods and the marking of such technical data shall indicate that the goods and technical data shall be used by the receiving Party or its Related Entities only for the purposes of fulfilling the receiving Partys or Related Entitys responsibilities under this MOU, and that the identified goods and marked technical data shall not be disclosed or retransferred to any other entity without the prior written permission of the furnishing Party or its Related Entity. The receiving Party or its Related Entity shall abide by the terms of the notice and protect any such identified goods and marked technical data from unauthorized use and disclosure. The Parties to this MOU shall cause their Related Entities to be bound by the provisions of this Article related to use, disclosure, and retransfer of identified goods and marked technical data through contractual mechanisms or equivalent measures. All goods and marked proprietary or export-controlled technical data exchanged in the performance of this MOU shall be used by the receiving Party or its Related Entity exclusively for the purposes of this MOU. Upon completion of the activities under this MOU, the receiving Party or its Related Entity shall return or, at the request of the furnishing Party or its Related Entity, otherwise dispose of all goods and marked technical data provided under this MOU, as directed by the furnishing Party or its Related Entity. Contractual application/flowdown: acceptance of this contract clause by each Related Entity of the Party constitutes its agreement to be bound by the terms of this section titled TRANSFER OF GOODS AND TECHNICAL DATA as it applies to Related Entities. LIABILITY The Parties agree that a comprehensive cross-waiver of liability between the Parties and their Related Entities shall further participation in space exploration, use, and investment. The cross-waiver of liability shall be broadly construed to achieve this objective. The terms of the cross-waiver are set out below. (a) Each Party agrees to a cross-waiver of liability pursuant to which each Party waives all claims against the other Party, the other Partys Related Entities, employees of the other Party, and employees of the other Partys Related Entities, based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This cross-waiver shall apply only if the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. The cross-waiver shall apply to any claims for damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, except for claims for damage caused by wilful misconduct. (b) Each Party shall extend the cross-waiver of liability to its own Related Entities by requiring them, by contract or otherwise, to agree to waive all claims, and require that their related entities waive all claims, against the other Party, the other Partys Related Entities, and employees of the other Party or its Related Entities, based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. (c) Contractual application/flowdown: each Related Entity of a Party agrees to a cross-waiver of liability pursuant to which each Related Entity waives all claims against the other Parties, the Related Entities of all such other Parties, employees of all such other Parties, and employees of all such other Parties Related Entities, based on damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This cross-waiver shall apply only if the person, entity or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. This cross-waiver shall apply to any claims for damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, except for claims caused by willful misconduct. (d) For avoidance of doubt, this cross-waiver of liability includes a cross-waiver for any liability arising from the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, which entered into force on 1 September 1972 (hereinafter referred to as the Liability Convention), where the person, entity, or property causing the damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. (e) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, this cross-waiver of liability shall not be applicable to: claims between a Party and its own Related Entity or among its own Related Entities; claims made by a natural person, his/her estate, survivors, or subrogees (except when a subrogee is a Party to this MOU or is otherwise bound by the terms of this cross-waiver) for bodily injury, other impairment of health, or death of such natural person; or intellectual property claims. (f) This cross-waiver of liability shall not apply to performance of the Parties obligations under this MOU. (g) Nothing in this Article shall be construed to create the basis for a claim or suit where none would otherwise exist. (h) In the event of third-party claims which may arise out of, inter alia, the Liability Convention, the Parties shall consult promptly on any potential liability, on any apportionment of such liability, and on the defense of such claim. FLOWDOWN Each Related Entity of a Party shall include the substance of this clause, including the substance of this paragraph entitled FLOWDOWN, in all subcontracts. FAR Clauses 52.227-1, Authorization and Consent (Jul 1995) and Alternate I (Apr 1984) The basic clause is already called out in Corpdocs, but Alternate I also applies to you if your contract is for research and development. 52.227-14, Rights in Data General (Jun 1987) and Alternate IV (Jun 1987) The basic clause is already called out in Corpdocs, but Alternate IV applies if you are a university or college and your contract is for basic or applied research. 52.227-16, Additional Data Requirements (Jun 1987) Applicable if you will be providing data. 52.243-2 Changes - Cost Reimbursement (Apr 1984) and Alternate V (Apr 1984) The basic clause is already called out in Corpdocs, but Alternate V also applies to you if your contract is for research and development. 52.245-19, Government Property Furnished As Is (Apr 1984) Applicable if you will receive government property furnished to Lockheed ؽƵ on an "as-is" basis. 52.246-8, Inspection of Research and Development Cost Reimbursement (May 2001) and Alternate I (Apr 1984) The basic clause is applicable if you are performing research and development work and Alternate I is also applicable if you have a cost no fee contract. NASA FAR Clauses 1852.204-76, Security Requirements for Unclassified Information Resources (Jul 2002) Applicable if purchase order/subcontract involves information technology resources or services in which the subcontractor must have physical or electronic access to NASA's sensitive information contained in unclassified systems that directly support the mission of the Agency.      10/28/13 Document No. ATC050, Rev. 2 Flowdowns for Subcontract PO Y772347, JWST NIRCAM Document No. ATC050, Rev. 2  PAGE 1 of 6 10/28/13 no $%&BC,-zoooodYhIh y4CJaJhMEh]]aCJaJhMEhx/CJaJhMEh\vCJaJhMEh y4CJaJhMEhL$CJaJhMEhL$5CJaJhMEh\v5CJaJ hMEhMEhFd5>*䴳aN<CJaJhMEhFd5CJ\aJhMEhc5CJ\aJhMEhcCJaJhMEhFdCJaJ"o H I 89$%&gdL$gdME`gdc $ $a$gdIBC,-MNRS ^`gdME ^`gdI ^`gd] h^h`gdMEgd y4RSgh ''((133q5r5s555j7k788#8R8V8l88)9,9E9F9G99 :K:{:úúïhMEh]CJaJh]5CJ\aJhMEhFd5CJ\aJhMEhFdCJaJhMEh]]aCJaJhMEhMEaJhMEhMECJaJhMEh\vaJhMEh\vCJaJhMECJaJhMEhx/CJaJhMEh y4CJaJ.ghh^hgd] ^`gdME ^`gd] h^h`gdMEgd y4 h^h`gdIgdI ^`gdI %%''((())A*B*- & F h0`0gdI & Fh^hgdIgdI^gdI^gdI 0^`0gdI & Fh^hgdIgdIgd y4--..113344l4m4q5r55566z6{6i7gdI ^`gdI 8^8`gdI & F8^8`gdI 0^`0gdI ^`gdI^gdIi7j7k7t7u7888"8#88899J:K:$;%;;;<<<<.=O>Q>R>gdFdgd y4gdI{:|:::::::%;b;;4<5<<<<<:=b=c=N>O>P>R>S>U>V>X>Y>[>\>^>a>c>f>ɾɲɗ}}}}nf_[_hI hch]h]OJQJjh;h]OJQJUhfEjhfEUhMEhFd5>*CJaJhMEhFd5>*CJ\aJhMEhFdCJ\aJhMEhFd5CJaJhMEh]CJaJhMEhFdCJaJh]5CJ\aJhMEhFd5CJ\aJh]CJaJh]h]CJaJ"R>T>U>W>X>Z>[>g>h>>>>>>>>>>  !%gdcgdI  gdc  !%gdcgdFdf>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hMEhFd5>*CJ\aJhfEhhI h(h0JhfE0JmHnHu h]0Jjh]0JUhch]5>* h]5>*h]21h:pJ/ =!"8#$% G Dd GVH  c $A?blSfpŤD-nlSfpŤPNG  IHDRNk^gAMAPLTEƜkkkcccΔ{ssbjYYbQƵέscƜΤrjֽƽs{skskckcYbY֔΄ֽcscYjYzzQbQBRBrr{{{{rzέ֥s{{JRRΜƓbkƋrBsƃAYbsR{Jsb9c{1Zs9Zsz{kBc9Z{!Jsr9Rs8j1Js)Z0jJZ!9s0rRc!Z b{jrbj(0Y9B{!ZJR19s jZbRRZYYbJJRQQbޔ{{))s!!sjrZbjzrkcQIJBIA800(( zbjr֔Ό΃zZ0 )zjscYI8 (rƽjYYAJ1A(8 R9rjRjIZ9Z9I(rQ{RY8{RrIc9zΔrƌkbεzޜrεﵔ޽ZYQbޜjsk{RJZέz޽ֵέ凜sƭ΃jrYzƥrオƽsksbYbRJRֵ֋rZJZj{c{zj֭޽{csﵥߩIDATx\p}=Yo\coۢ&)V$ҴR䏛Jg\ 'iAkg:o/-NLx&P;T= *1$ H}۽ɒl?to߾}}}])B'ӗZhBş)C8fb%֑k`8<F?4cGa-;|KE+4+2Y%0SX$&|%ْ*ґ~2"DH6ݒT7 FMǟW|7k@ .tW$$e+MCTN$JDDaT"阑/oOpڔmk{| raB*H"S|]1S@^/ר@2!dT ՖШ ^}cH 30C5Nh7e.;%UŠ>:?`Y p@I&*0dC*i(A5#l(ؠR8e74&b!JpXAG S1梄fI8! wa\9Y4)ZVx0bd.,CVa֬fg1/r1`uf!')/= p*?$V'$a.4=7r.Z\jͨ_qÈ]1=ЪEC*X5m&*IKfPqOΑdqf-܋C' "̳ qwDʋhn8Gf^LZI>P&AuO*C՞5m+9R!*vhǑ޲$T2%+1]cމ/ ˉOE7BE9q-4[°ܛ`nKDŽH.]]5D#rXu !*;# jsm펼8ܔPԢ^\Ҹ7k Jz@?CepdD \32HTi#o}$ݐ+s9nihi>y51v7!PX֮74vg vsFy;Ucjrh7\as5<|#\G䩤]\*ZUVvXCoVasp\?F"Rn*,fl\f Izd*_5+#A#?'3, -ߵ\0p%"4TOCɚn_`] r=i8b z 3]_W6gYVF$#"O SQqTC;Cnqy`L|ĸKNӨ2MElFRz[,R!.vrµ׌Opo1C![{S Ɋl'hpA3niG_aa ۩xzWӌZIimRwh |9"}a=ZϼvtvvttttwtwAG&ݎG=[3;ӝl6tꞞ[};6膪L&7h7d2# 8QvUK{?f5 :<*rm Z@,Aܢ&bOիmDczŗsP|≧~xχv,S*BdeVV6[mvvQf;vdwW6׷Kvها/'V}S(XX߶}۶m߃-[m-۾[2 Gq ozX{zT LzZ*Л-Ǡαcoӯʛ/KGy<#CCCb bw;-§XpOE^]"JVs_94n6z5v=i6"ю"U3}wJc[iyI%*aܻ(3Rzˇ>{/˯ڋO>g8/>o=KPȨ GHSkPP;Vc0JD0kذ$Ab*;enLXkHl40Ԫ&T0jL[ S 2>>62{cE^yW_y ʑgZJ⌙~T]F,lKlxi[J/_z٘ Dz1cGшC x}aʳZ'cm:9ij {$[ׅR0w9!̻@/sԶey s8NtTB2C d.]_=otث%1ZV7b 9l<b6t];H rA>Q`M$H$T&tz0ЀK fk#y.*3J *ϕ'(ixBn h^ $UI((/C IcܒAhiE[oZ @4&}"5`C3hSOw&8*D` cY*F&PV:jIyDPwØ\ c<aWG_1/70][u"vcΓM$o ^{l6(Ղs J\usj;PE*sNpEpe;<` ֿ'#[IxL-?#q3$ҺpP]Ȅ'A }ob%a'.ɹ^~EݕgN QZ&FV%/  sD^EBݸp{F#<+e O(s}fP` Mq".}qq -H Yл q'~+Ri _tR} C .QSUσ%3@l#6h8H7-MKf<}+_ י`ͥz'KZņoJsZ= ʡ ˲Z7snvR)@Py9 5'<Mx%ZXAѓ*6!1˅"ʷ^Ӵ>`i_eڷ.0-O>wP&UN>\S n8$ !(m@NMw 5/I7`L'&^@]Iu2EqS1"]s~3XA)J|=ݴep{}LfCKM[ɚP ~e>hD^'}=Etoz_P@"k#m57 @IC֯;87R66Έf i.z_U疯ҹInGk|i hiǾ_0Mh wbJWMNYƵ"4loΙpO(> aˡ5tm R?xj̋.|CıPŶj "JpwG{ytAr [)Y(wLe11\h@?F]ꚶ$qU/C5Y(c7 w?0,BslӥkFSzk];JPBɵ]7ilkSxf T/`:5k*{; ]if|{0hV&m 9K%"ajVd&\y%l`A2=6VYE8`3jc=X+E8AD*M0tMO5S #3' LW٧Ϝ9sG~cz4^=y";.L(# ;^ ;M*n9ޘC4*K2}L@dt|-;z!AC$Cꘘ̾('dp]Hnc YSٌ 0Q;p2+r7 0xCvRnr6Ϳw&1L8x-W}vr*alEf栯ITiGu;6*?&!ξO?;{~ǫGǕBT'|n>KlcU_x|/F$sel_q_pᢢ05uBY8DpaJG_dWǒ!V+)r 䣩3=I!E1 ig^k3'2A} 7aQB?I2wQla!]B(H -RUxN$(!P+1ACB9avgw|۹ݻ$ٛyo}̛o4B֚\z=ΩQ -EΈ (`kAdʈG_{Q.5g+aKR= uIph4INsnlh)­`Z9h[ *}Y  BtnҔd(L->lm+na ~}h{^) 0Aeq>fy73TXGI0ihL6J#bz/  QLNu#+$ 6ɘ79}ɛߕϏ67[.JltJ2_I2BfL 7U]_y׉`D =! {&V =^bEhݞy© Z#G8r^ʌJ*x]Vm8QD(pjk]_!1Q)sN}d'}ơa0{w+-S>!kKl tЊQL Kcq:;{)Q@ "y6n_RiX32zACZٹv*' ڦWe!qB+/q"͕BP/Q y5L(Wy(I% 0ԞYIҳ8/)MiN !/U!L91*nq).nE;01M4*^h~ӉjՊ(!-|ۖX~$I+-M|i_)%Cb@όZ#5~Upu "N}=<;$tDwrt]dpW酸ț;ܛ (+p+l666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH >@>  Heading 1$@& 5>*\@@@  Heading 2$$@&a$5\DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 4@4 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !*W`* Strong5\<B@"<  Body Text B* aJ$ph@P@2@  Body Text 2 B*aJ$ph8Q@B8  Body Text 35\RC@RR Body Text Indent7$8$H$^aJZ@bZ L$ List Paragraph1$^m$CJKHOJQJaJ.)@q. c Page NumberBOB \vStyle1$p0^p`0a$aJ2o2 \v Style2 CharCJ00 \vStyle2 ^PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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''---  2 H0  x  2 H0  0--- 2 H0 10/ 2 H0 28 2 H0 /13  2 H0    0'  2 Z`0    0'  2 m`0   42 mJ0 Document No. ATC050, Rev. 2       2 m0    0'  2 `0    0' (2 `0 Flowdowns for Subco     2 0 ntract  2 0 PO  )2 .0 Y772347, JWST NIRCAM      2 0     2 `0    0' 42 `0 Document No. ATC050, Rev. 2        2 ,0  r  2 0 1  2 0   2 0 of   2 0 6   2 0    2 0   2 0 10/ 2 0 28  2 0 / 2 0 13  2 0    0'@Times New Roman------  2 `0    %2 `0 Full Text Clauses     2 0  @Times New Roman------- @ !p`-  0'---  2 `0    2 ` 0 GSFC 52.203    2 0 - 2 N0 91, Limited Release of Contractor Confidential Business Information (Jun 2002)         2 0   @Times New Roman------ R2 `/0 (Applicable to all purchase orders/subcontracts   2 u0 .  2 y0 )  2 ~0     2 `0    2 `^0 (a) NASA may find it necessary to release information submitted by the Contractor, either in r       #2 0 esponse to this   2 *`l0 solicitation or pursuant to the provisions of this contract, to individuals not employed by NASA. Business        2 ;`k0 information that would ordinarily be entitled to confidential treatment may be included in the information        12 L`0 released to these individ 2 LU0 uals. Accordingly, by submission of this proposal, or signature on this contract or     2 ]`n0 other contracts, the Contractor hereby consents to a limited release of its confidential business information      2 n`0 (CBI).   2 n0     2 `0    [2 `50 (b) Possible circumstances where the Agency may relea      a2 90 se the Contractor's CBI include, but are not limited to,       2 `0 the following:   2 0     2 `0    2 b0 (1) To other Agency contractors and subcontractors, and their employees tasked with assisting the       2 `U0 Agency in handling and processing information and documents in the evaluation, the aw     2 h 0 ard or the   2 `e0 administration of Agency contracts, such as providing both preaward and post award audit support and       q2 `D0 specialized technical support to NASA's technical evaluation panels;    2 0     2 0    z2 J0 (2) To NASA contractors and subcontractors, and their employees engaged in      2 W0   )2 \0 information systems     2 '`g0 analysis, development, operation, and maintenance, including performing data processing and management        12 8`0 functions for the Agency.   2 80     2 I`0    2 Z`^0 (c) Except where otherwise provided by law, NASA will permit the limited release of CBI under             2 k` 0 subparagrap @2 k#0 hs (1) or (2) only pursuant to non  2 kn0 - e2 ks<0 disclosure agreements signed by the assisting contractor or    2 |`i0 subcontractor, and their individual employees who may require access to the CBI to perform the assisting         2 ` 0 contract).   2 0     2 `0    J2 `*0 (d) NASA's responsibilities under the Free   ^2 [70 dom of Information Act are not affected by this clause.     2 0     2 `0    2 `r0 (e) The Contractor agrees to include this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts at all levels     2 `U0 awarded pursuant to this contract that require the furnishing of confidential busines  +2 H0 s information by the     2 `0 subcontractor.  2 0     2 `0   ---  2 `0   --- e2 '`<0 FLOWDOWN OF PROVISIONS FROM THE JWST MISSIONS MEMORANDA OF               m2 8`A0 UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA) AND THE              --- ;2 G` 0 CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY (CSA) AND        22 G{0 CROSS WAIVER OF LIABILITY        --- )2 GZ0 (Applicable for all    "2 X`0 purchase orders "2 X0 /subcontracts.)  2 X0   ---  2 j`0   --- 2 z`_0 Under the terms of the NASA/ESA and NASA/CSA MOUs for JWST, certain provisions, agreements and               2 `e0 obligations are required to be flowed down to NASA contractors involved with the JWST Mission. This           L2 `+0 clause establishes the required flow down f   k2 ^@0 rom the Government to the Contractor. Not all of the terms and         2 `g0 provisions of these MOUs apply to performance under this contract, so only selected MOU provisions and     "Systemvi -cvhvx---  00//..՜.+,D՜.+, hp  ILockheed ؽƵb46 ,Flowdowns for MKV Contract W9113M-04-D-0001 Full Text Clauses FAR ClausesNASA FAR Clauses Title Headings0zDocument SensitivitySensitivityID ThirdPartyUnrestricted0  !"#$%&'()*+-./0123456789:;<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry FData ,G 1Table=.WordDocument 4VSummaryInformation(UTDocumentSummaryInformation8MsoDataStoreP}P}IL40G3EI0RQ==2P}P}Item  PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q