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In paragraph (b)"Contracting Officer" means "Buyer.") 52.209-6, Protecting the Government's Interest when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Dec 2010) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Jan 2011) 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jan 2011) 52.222-4, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - Overtime Compensation (Jul 2005) 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Feb 1999) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Mar 2007) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Veterans (Sep 2010) 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (Oct 2010) 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Veterans (Sep 2010) 52.222-41, Service Contract Act of 1965 (Nov 2007) 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking In Persons (Feb 2009) 52.222-54, Employment Eligibility Verification (Jan 2009) 52.223-15, Energy Efficiency in Energy-Consuming Products (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be providing energy consuming products which will be delivered to the Government, or the energy consuming products are acquired by you for use in performing services at a Federally-controlled facility; furnished under the prime contract for use by the Government; or specified in the design of a building or work, or incorporated during its construction, renovation, or maintenance.) 52.223-16, IEEE 1680 Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be delivering personal computer products to the Government, acquired by you for use in performing services at a Federally-controlled facility; furnished under the prime contract for use by the Government.) 52.224-1, Privacy Act Notification (Apr 1984) (Applicable if you will be required to design, develop, or operate a system of records on individuals required to accomplish an agency function.) 52.224-2, Privacy Act (Apr 1984) (Applicable if you will be required to design, develop, or operate such a system of records.) 52.225-1, Buy American Act - Supplies (Feb 2009) 52.227-1, Authorization and Consent (Dec 2007) and Alternate I (Apr 1984) (Alternate I also applies.) 52.227-11, Patent Rights - Ownership by the Contractor (Dec 2007) 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General (Dec 2007) (Government" means "Government" unless otherwise stated in these notes for 52.227-14. "Contracting Officer" means "Contracting Officer through JPL." In paragraphs (b), (c)(1)(iii), (c)(2)(ii) and (c)(3) -- "Government" means the "Government and JPL/Caltech in support and furtherance of tits prime contract obligations." Paragraph (c)(1)(ii) -- after "acknowledgement of Government sponsorship (including contract number)" insert: "This work was performed for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, sponsored by the United States Government under the Prime Contract NNN12AA01C between the Caltech and NASA under subcontract number H99064CT. 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General (Dec 2007) and Alternate II (Dec 2007) (Alternate II also applies. After "Government Contract no.," insert "NNN12AA01C," and after "Subcontract" insert H99064CT in paragraph (g)(3)(a). Insert (i) Use (except for manufacture) by support service contractors. after the last sentence of paragraph (g)(3)(a).) 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General (Dec 2007) and Alternate III (Dec 2007) (Alternate III also applies. After "Government Contract no.," insert "NNN12AA01C," and after "Subcontract" insert H99064CT in paragraph (g)(4).) 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General (Dec 2007) and Alternate V (Dec 2007) (Alternate V also applies.) 52.227-16, Additional Data Requirements (Jun 1987) (Applicable if you will be providing technical data. "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed ؽƵ and the Contracting Officer.") 52.227-17, Rights in Data Special Works (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be providing data subject to this clause. Communication with the Contracting Officer shall be made through Lockheed ؽƵ. "Government" paragraph (e) includes Lockheed ؽƵ.") .) 52.227-18, Rights in Data -- Existing Works (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be providing data subject to this clause. "Government" paragraph (b) includes Lockheed ؽƵ.") 52.227-21, Technical Data Declaration, Revision, and Withholding of PaymentMajor Systems (Dec 2007) (Applicable if you will be delivering technical data. "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed ؽƵ." "Government" means "Lockheed ؽƵ" in paragraph (b)(2) and "Lockheed ؽƵ or Government" in paragraph (d).) 52.230-2, Cost Accounting Standards (Oct 2010) 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Standards (Oct 2008) 52.232-29, Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial Items (Feb 2002) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts for commercial items where financing payments will be made. "Government" means "Lockheed ؽƵ." The reference to the Termination for Cause clause means the termination for default clause of this Contract.) 52.232-30 Installment Payments for Commercial Items (Oct 1995) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts for commercial items where installment payments will be paid to the Seller. "Contracting Officer" and "Government" means "Lockheed ؽƵ.") 52.243-2, Changes Cost Reimbursement (Aug 1987) and Alternate V (Apr 1984) (Alternate V applies if this purchase order/subcontract is cost reimbursement and is for research and development.) 52.244-6, Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Dec 2010) 52.245-1, Government Property (Aug 2012) ("Government" is unchanged in the phrases "Government Property," "Government-furnished, "Government-furnished property," "Government Material," and "Government-owned." "Government" means "Government" in the following paragraphs: (a), (e)(1), (e)(2) (first occurrence), (e)(3)(i), (e)(3)(ii) (first occurrence), (f)(2), (j) (except (j)(6)(i)) and (m). "Government" means "JPL and the Government" in the following paragraphs: (g), (h), (j)(6)(i), and (k)(4). Paragraph (a) - "agency" means "JPL." "Termination Contracting Officer" means "JPL Subcontracts Manager." "Government" means "Government through JPL" in paragraphs (k)(1), (2), and (3). "Government contract" means "Government contract or subcontract" in paragraph (j)(6)(i).) 52.245-9, Use and Charges (Aug 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts where FAR 52.245-1 is inserted. Communications with the Government under this clause will be made through Lockheed ؽƵ.) 52.246-8, Inspection of Research and Development Cost Reimbursement (May 2001) (Applicable if you have a cost reimbursable purchase order/subcontract and will be performing research and development work. "Government" means "Lockheed ؽƵ" except (1) in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) where it means "Lockheed ؽƵ and the Government" and in paragraph (k) where the term is unchanged.) 52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (Feb 2006) and Alternate I (Apr 2003) (Alternates I applies if the supplies to be furnished under this purchase order/subcontract must be transported exclusively in privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels.) 52.247-68, Report of Shipment (REPSHIP) (Feb 2006) (Applicable if you will be shipping supplies directly to the Government.) NASA Clauses 1852.219-74, Use of Rural Area Small Businesses (Sep 1990) 1852.219-75, Small Business Subcontracting Reporting (May 1999) 1852.223-71, Frequency Authorization (Dec 1988) 1852.223-74, Restrictions on Printing and Duplicating (Nov 2004) 1852.225-70, Export Licenses (Feb 2000) and Alternate I (Feb 2000) (Alternate I also applies.) 1852.227-11, Patent Rights -- Retention by the Contractor (Short Form) (No Date) 1852.227-70, New Technology (May 2002) 1852.227-85, Invention Reporting and RightsForeign (Apr 1986) (Applicable if work under this purchase order/subcontract is to be performed outside the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico by contractors, including sub-tier contractors, that are not United States domestic firms.) 1852.228-72, Cross-Waiver of Liability for Space Shuttle Services (Sep 1993) (Applicable if the Work is performed in support of Protected Space Operations (applicable to the Space Shuttle) as that term is defined in the clause.) 1852.228-76, Cross-Waiver of Liability for Space Station Activities (Dec 1994)      03/16/2016 Document No. ATC131, Rev. 0 Flowdowns for Southwest Research Institute Subcontract H99064CT, Europa MASPEX High Voltage Power Supplies Phase A Activities Document No. ATC131, Rev. 0  PAGE 4 of 4    1489:;< 4 5 i j l v  Ϲ|pgpgpgpYYēNh5CJ\aJhVhV5CJ\aJhCJ\aJhhCJ\aJhhCJaJhh5CJaJhhVCJ\aJhhV5CJ\aJhh|CJ\aJh|5CJ\aJhV5CJ\aJh`Yh|5CJ\aJh)05CJ\aJh`5CJ\aJhXzw5>*CJ\aJ  ;<k l 7 8 p q   0 1 f g  gdZLgd tgdgd| , 7 8 B d e g n p q {    ) / 0 1 < ? _ e f g r    ±禚ۦ{ h th th|5CJ\aJh th t5CJ\aJhh tCJ\aJh t5CJ\aJ h|h|h|5CJ\aJh|h|5CJ\aJh|5CJ\aJhhCJ\aJh5CJ\aJhh5CJ\aJ0  P Q ijyz+,JKgdgdOgd gdZL  $ ) I O P Q \ gju 25̵}q}q}q}fhO5CJ\aJh B*CJaJphhYsh B*CJaJphhYsh CJ\aJh h 5CJ\aJh7@h B*CJaJphh7@h CJ\aJh 5CJ\aJh7@h 5CJ\aJhh5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJhhCJ\aJ%vx$*,uY\]^GSY]^_ٽ}rh5CJ\aJhkhO5CJ\aJh(CJaJhCJ\aJh(CJ\aJhh(CJ\aJh(h(CJ\aJhkh(5CJ\aJhN8hN85CJ\aJhN85CJ\aJhO5CJ\aJhOCJ\aJhOCJaJ,  .d37FNOPQhklº¯sg[PPhkhOCJaJhhCJ\aJhhOCJ\aJhkh5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJhy{hy{CJaJhy{CJaJh{0CJaJhjCJaJhZhZCJaJhZCJaJhkhZCJaJhhZCJ\aJhZ5CJ\aJhkh$5CJ\aJhkhO5CJ\aJl"-/:DGHK}67YxԽ}oc[cRGhJ<`hJ<`CJaJhCJ\aJhCJaJh0GhCJ\aJh0Gh5CJ\aJhG@OCJaJh_uhCJaJh_uhCJ\aJh_uh5CJ\aJhkh(CJaJh(CJaJhh(CJ\aJh(5CJ\aJhkh(5CJ\aJhkhOCJaJhZhjCJaJhjCJaJ&'tu!!""$$%$?%gdEsgdgdJ<`gdZLgd>?ĸ葜✳5Ca<`hJ<`5CJaJhJ<`CJ\aJh0GhJ<`CJ\aJhJ<`hJ<`CJ\aJhJ<`5CJ\aJhJ<`hJ<`5CJ\aJh~.h5CJ\aJh~.hCJ\aJhhG@OCJ\aJhG@OCJ\aJhCJ\aJhJ<`hJ<`CJaJh_uhJ<`CJaJhJ<`CJaJ%&'su,.TUNOe~-@iƻҤ瘏|peh[%hEsCJaJhWhEsCJ\aJhEsCJaJhWhEsCJaJhEs5CJaJhWhEs5CJaJ,hhB*CJOJQJ\^JaJphhhCJaJhh5CJaJhhCJ\aJhCJ\aJh5CJ\aJhh5CJ\aJ#&'2?^y ! & ) * < = @ E G ɴh>BCJ\aJhy6CJ\aJhEsCJ\aJhEshEsCJ\aJh7@hCJ\aJh5CJaJh7@h5CJaJhhZL5>*CJ\aJhh(5CJ\aJhhZL5CJ\aJ6 !!M!X!c!h!l!o!!!!!!!!!!""&">"@"B"""""""")#+#m#n#{pd[d[h5QCJ\aJh7@h5QCJ\aJh #h5QCJaJh5Q5CJaJh7@h5Q5CJaJh7@hZLB*CJaJphhJhZLCJ\aJhZLCJ\aJhAWhZLCJ\aJh7@hZLCJ\aJhZL5CJaJh7@hZL5CJaJhCJ\aJhy6CJ\aJhy6hy6CJ\aJ"n##$$$%$$$$$$$%?%@%s%%%%%%%%%%%%%&Ǽuj_Q_Q_QC_ChGRhGR5CJ\aJhFhZL5CJ\aJhGR5CJ\aJhXzw5CJ\aJh0hGR5>*hFhN8CJ\aJhFhN85CJaJhWCJ\aJ hLohLohLohLoCJ\aJhLoCJ\aJhLo5CJ\aJhLohLo5CJ\aJhfCJ\aJ"h5QB*CJOJQJ\aJphp0h7@h5QB*CJaJph?%@%%%%&&G&H&x&z&&&''m'n'''(()))gdpL  EgdpLgdqgdO%gd|gdGR$a$gdN8gdZL&& & &&&&&&&@&F&H&S&q&w&y&z&&&&&&&&&&&&'''''ymaUaUahk1hGRCJ\aJhk1hO%CJ\aJhk1hGR5CJaJhGRhGR5CJaJhO%5CJ\aJhL5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJhO%CJ\aJhfCJ\aJhZLCJ\aJhGRhGR5CJ\aJhZL5CJ\aJhJhuhZL5CJ\aJhGR5CJ\aJhFhZLCJ\aJ!''''' 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