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However, the words Government and Contracting Officer do not change: (1) when a right, act, authorization or obligation can be granted or performed only by the Government or the Prime Contract Contracting Officer or duly authorized representative, including but not limited to (i) audit rights to Sellers proprietary business records or (ii) any indemnification or limitation of liability obligation, which obligation shall remain with the Government; (2) when title to property is to be transferred directly to the Government, and (3) when the Government is granted ownership or other rights to Sellers intellectual property or technical data. FAR Clauses 52.203-7, Anti-Kickback Procedures (May 2014) 52.203-19, Prohibition on Requiring Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements (Jan 2017) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts, including purchase orders/subcontracts for commercial items.) 52.222-62, Paid Sick Leave Under Executive Order 13706 (Jan 2017) (Applicable if this purchase order/ subcontract is subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards statute or the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute, and are to be performed in whole or in part in the United States. Seller shall be responsible for all losses, costs, claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, all expenses of litigation and/or settlement, and court costs, arising from any act or omission of Seller officers, employees, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors at any tier, in the performance of any of its obligations under this clause.) 52.227-1, Authorization and Consent (Dec 2007) and Alternate I (Apr 1984) 52.229-10, State of New Mexico Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax (Apr 2003) (Applicable if this purchase order/subcontract is a cost reimbursable contract performed in New Mexico. In paragraph (d) Government means Lockheed ؽƵ or Government, and the blank in paragraph (g) is replaced with the procuring agency under the prime contract.) 52.232-17, Interest (May 2014) (Applicable if this purchase order/subcontract contains any clauses which refers to an Interest clause. Government means Lockheed ؽƵ.) 52.232-39, Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations (Jun 2013) (Applicable for all purchase orders/ subcontracts where software or services will be retransferred to the Government.) 52.244-6, Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Jan 2017) 52.245-1, Government Property (Jan 2017) DFARS Clauses 252.204-7000, Disclosure of Information (Oct 2016) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts. In paragraph (b) "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed ؽƵ" and "10 days" means "20 days.") 252.211-7007, Reporting of Government-Furnished Property (Aug 2012) (Applicable if Seller will be in possession of Government property for the performance of this purchase order/subcontract.) 252.219-7003, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (DoD Contracts) (DEVIATION) (Aug 2016) (The version of the clause in DoD Class Deviation 2016-O0009 applies in lieu of the standard DFARS version of the clause.) 252.219-7004, Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Test Program) (Oct 2014) (Applicable if Seller participates in the DoD test program described in DFARS 219.702.) 252.222-7007, Representation Regarding Combating Trafficking in Persons (Jan 1015) (This clause is only applicable to all solicitations expected to be subject to FAR 52.222-50.) 252.235-7011, Final Scientific or Technical Report (Jan 2015) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts for research and development.) 252.243-7002, Requests for Equitable Adjustment (Dec 2012) (Applicable for all purchase orders/subcontracts over $150,000. Government means Lockheed ؽƵ) 252.245-7001, Tagging, Labeling, and Marking of Government-Furnished Property (Apr 2012) (Applicable for purchase orders/subcontracts where the items furnished by Seller will be subject to serialized tracking.) 252.245-7004, Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal (Sep 2016) (Applicable to all purchase orders/ subcontracts containing the clause at 52.245-1, Government Property. "Contracting Officer" means Lockheed ؽƵ.) AFFARS Clauses 5352.242-9000 Contractor Access to Air Force Installations (Nov 2012) (Applicable if Seller will perform work on a Government installation. "Contracting Officer" means "Lockheed ؽƵ." In paragraph (e) "the prime contractor" means "Seller.") 5352.242-9001, Common Access Cards (CACS) for Contractor Personnel AF Systems (Nov 2012) (Applicable if Seller will be performing work on a government installation. All communication with the government required by this clause shall be conducted through Lockheed ؽƵ.)      12/18/2017 Document No. CH008, Rev. 0 Flowdowns for Prime Contract No. FA9451-18-C-0049, Phased Array Steering Transmitter and Holographic Receiver (PHASTAHR) Document No. CH008, Rev. 0  PAGE 1 of 2  @ B ̾vk_NB4hgh`m5CJ\aJhgh`m5CJaJ hgh`m5B* CJaJph< hWJh`mCJ\aJhWJh`mCJaJhWJh`m5CJaJh BhCJ\aJhAWh2xCJ\aJhwg5CJ\aJh`m5CJ\aJhAWh2x5CJ\aJhbh2x5CJ\aJ hsRhfh`m5B*CJaJphh`mB* CJaJphHhhCJaJh`mCJaJ VWlm]gdVgdVgd\>5gd`ghgd3#gd2xgdC9gd`m  \hTU !04鯣{pd[dRdRdGhTV5CJ\aJh\>5CJ\aJh CJ\aJhFh\>5CJ\aJh\>55CJ\aJhg 5CJ\aJhFh\>55CJ\aJhyTh`ghB*CJaJphhyTh`ghCJ\aJhyTh`gh5CJ\aJhgh`m5CJ\aJh3#CJ\aJhKwhKwCJ\aJhKwCJ\aJhgh`mCJ\aJhgh`mCJaJ%6ijkm ĸͬxmf_fWLhI#5CJ\aJhsRhf\ hsRh hsRhfhq}:h-CJaJhgh`ghCJaJhgh`gh5CJaJhgh`gh5>*CJ\aJhgh`gh5CJ\aJh7@hVCJ\aJhkN0hTVCJ\aJhTVCJ\aJh7@hTVCJ\aJhTV5CJ\aJhhTV5CJ\aJh7@hTV5CJ\aJfg:; !rstgdwggdgd/n]gd8FAgd 7$8$H$gd gdK\gdCgdTVgdgdq}:   EFlg9:;żŖxl`QEhgh 5CJaJhgh B*CJaJphh~h CJ\aJh,wh CJ\aJ hgh hgh 5CJ\aJhK\CJ\aJhK\5CJ\aJhTVB*CJaJphh7@hTVB*CJaJphhTVCJ\aJh7@hTVCJ\aJh7@hTVCJaJhTV5CJ\aJh7@hTV5CJ\aJh 5CJ\aJ1237UYegoĶĶĥvvj^PEhgh/nCJaJhgh/n5CJ\aJhgh/n5CJaJh h CJ\aJh3h CJ\aJh CJ\aJhQh CJ\aJhW5B*CJaJph h h 5B*CJaJphh 5B*CJaJph hhhW5B*CJaJph hgh 5B*CJaJphhgh B*CJaJphhgh CJaJ !<RZ[\bk{gmŹŤ}odoXOXCh+hTVCJ\aJhK\CJ\aJh S&hTVCJ\aJhTV5CJ\aJh S&hTV5CJ\aJhCJ\aJhYXCJ\aJhSh"CJ\aJhESCJ\aJhShfCJ\aJhES5CJaJhSh{s5CJaJhShf5CJaJhgh/n5CJ\aJhgh/nCJaJhCCJ\aJhgh/nCJ\aJ^_opqstABz{|ǻǁvk]k]k]Qhh/nCJ\aJhh/n5CJ\aJh/n5CJ\aJhW\wh/nCJaJh[h/nCJaJh/n5CJaJh[h/n5CJaJh[h/nCJ\aJh8h/n>*CJ\aJhbZ:h/nCJ\aJh/nCJaJhwgCJaJhTVCJaJh{hTVCJaJhTV5CJaJh{hTV5CJaJt{|B `'gd`m$a$$ !`'a$gd $ !`'a$gdOgdwggd/ngd/n#$ʿ}}}umemehh|[5hh`m5hh=d5h4 h@l$h=dh=dh`mh xhJHh|[jh;h=dOJQJUh%hhMhNjhMhNUh{h/nCJaJh(}h/nCJ\aJhh/nCJaJh/nCJ\aJhh/nCJ\aJhCCJ\aJ&ABCRSTUVW`abhijkopqstuvwǴݔh{h/nCJaJhMhNh%hh|[ h3#0J hV0Jjh=d0JU*h0JmHnHu* h=d0Jjh=d0JUhrah`mh4 h=dh hh`m5hh=d5hh`m5aJBCDErstuvwgdwg$ !`'a$gdqV$a$  !`'gdO 21h:ph</ =!8"8#$% G Dd GVH  c $A?blSfpŤD]nlSfpŤPNG  IHDRNk^gAMAPLTEƜkkkcccΔ{ssbjYYbQƵέscƜΤrjֽƽs{skskckcYbY֔΄ֽcscYjYzzQbQBRBrr{{{{rzέ֥s{{JRRΜƓbkƋrBsƃAYbsR{Jsb9c{1Zs9Zsz{kBc9Z{!Jsr9Rs8j1Js)Z0jJZ!9s0rRc!Z b{jrbj(0Y9B{!ZJR19s jZbRRZYYbJJRQQbޔ{{))s!!sjrZbjzrkcQIJBIA800(( zbjr֔Ό΃zZ0 )zjscYI8 (rƽjYYAJ1A(8 R9rjRjIZ9Z9I(rQ{RY8{RrIc9zΔrƌkbεzޜrεﵔ޽ZYQbޜjsk{RJZέz޽ֵέ凜sƭ΃jrYzƥrオƽsksbYbRJRֵ֋rZJZj{c{zj֭޽{csﵥߩIDATx\p}=Yo\coۢ&)V$ҴR䏛Jg\ 'iAkg:o/-NLx&P;T= *1$ H}۽ɒl?to߾}}}])B'ӗZhBş)C8fb%֑k`8<F?4cGa-;|KE+4+2Y%0SX$&|%ْ*ґ~2"DH6ݒT7 FMǟW|7k@ .tW$$e+MCTN$JDDaT"阑/oOpڔmk{| raB*H"S|]1S@^/ר@2!dT ՖШ ^}cH 30C5Nh7e.;%UŠ>:?`Y p@I&*0dC*i(A5#l(ؠR8e74&b!JpXAG S1梄fI8! 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