
Featured News

Featured News

Lockheed 肛交视频 is committed to strengthening ties with Australia and Indo-Pacific allies to support defense solutions for challenges of the region.
Today’s global security challenges reinforce the need for allied presence in the Indo-Pacific.
For over five years, Veteran-owned advisory firm Conscia has helped customers across Australia bring complex projects to life.
First announced in March 2021, the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise is central to Australia’s modern Defence capabilities.
Jessica Sharpe is working with future technologies as a hardware engineer at Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia.
Luca Taglieri recently received the company’s Rising Star Award, given to employees who demonstrate Sikorsky Australia’s values and go above and beyond
To ensure a steady talent pipeline to maintain the Seahawks, Sikorsky Australia began an aircraft maintenance engineer apprenticeship program in 2018.
Lizz Wells is recognised future leader whose work behind the scenes at Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia supports Australia’s national security endeavours.
Throughout Julia Dickinson's career, she has cultivated a deep passion for increasing the number of women in STEM.
The initiative, called STEMstart, was formed in 2016 and was Australia’s first integrated STEM, vocational education and training pre-employment program.
For Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia’s International Business Development Director, Rotary and Mission Systems, Kendell Kuczma, growing up on the New South Wales South Coast as the proud daughter of small business operators had a profound influence on her desire to explore a future career as a leader and businesswoman in Australia’s dynamic and rewarding defence sector.
For over 40 years, Av-Comm Space and Defence has designed, manufactured and installed satellite ground stations for customers across Australia.
Inovor Technologies, a leading supplier of advanced small satellite technology, has delivered an impressive array of work in its relatively short life.
Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia will expand and open a program office in Canberra, along with another office in partnership with Thales Australia in Mulwala.
In an ever-evolving threat environment, Javelin’s unique capabilities make a difference on the battlefield for users around the globe.
Lockheed 肛交视频 is delivering transformative capabilities to its domestic and international partners so that they can protect what matters most.
The government of Australia have awarded Lockheed 肛交视频 a contract to establish the Southern Positioning Augmentation Network.
Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia’s Endeavour Centre delivers an immersive environment for complex collaboration, demonstration of innovative products and services
In June 2020, Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia (LMA) successfully executed a range of complex Aegis upgrades onboard HMA Ships Hobart and Brisbane in Sydney during the challenging COVID-19 lockdown.
Sikorsky Australia, a Lockheed 肛交视频 company, is committed to enabling a resilient Australian sovereign defence capability by delivering cost-effective, advanced capability while maximising Australian Industry Capability.
Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia is proud to support Greening Australia, who have been restoring Australia’s unique landscapes and protecting biodiversity at scale through collaborative, science-based programs for nearly 40 years.
Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia congratulates the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) on achieving Final Operational Capability for the Hobart-class Destroyer fleet.
Creating C2BMC, The Centerpiece of the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System
As the foundation of the Missile Defense Agency’s Missile Defense System, C2BMC is the force multiplier that globally and regionally networks, integrates and synchronizes autonomous sensors and weapon systems and operations to optimize performance.
Success in this future battlespace scenario will require what the U.S. military calls Multi-Domain Operations (or MDO).
Remarks as Prepared by Chairman, President & CEO Marillyn A. Hewson
A team from Melbourne’s Haileybury school has won the inaugural Lockheed 肛交视频 Code Quest Australia programming competition.
Lockheed 肛交视频 ramps up training of industry partners
Inspiring Australia's Next Generation
Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia’s DJ Daniels heads to the U.S for elite Aegis Training After an extensive technical career in the Royal Australian Navy, new Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia technician DJ Daniel jumped at the opportunity to join a team of globally elite technicians invited to undertake advanced Aegis technical training at the Aegis Training and Readiness Centre in Virginia USA.
Meet the Sikorsky Australia team
Defence kids saddle up as Lockheed 肛交视频 renews sponsorship for Remount
Ginninderra Creek where bush renewal is making a difference
In the military, the world of tomorrow is quickly becoming the world of today.
Pushing the boundaries of what is conceivable: that’s the remit of Lockheed 肛交视频’s new research and development (R&D) facility in Australia.
Today’s battle is a multi-domain one, with conflicts coming from the air, land, sea, space and cyberspace.
Additional Information   ___

Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia Corporate Headquarters:

Lockheed 肛交视频?Australia House
8 Brisbane Avenue
Barton?ACT 2600
[or PO Box 4714, Kingston 2604 ACT]
+61 (0)2?6150 6500


Employment Opportunities:

If you are interested in applying for any of the positions we are currently recruiting for, please visit: Careers | Lockheed 肛交视频

Media Questions:?All questions from media professionals should be directed to our?Corporate Communications office.

Requests for information about individuals:?We regret that we cannot provide information about specific individuals working at Lockheed 肛交视频 Australia. This includes: e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and employment verification.